Tuesday, April 14

Edward Cullen

I've been thinking a lot about books today. Mainly, I feel like the only girl between 14 and 21 that thinks Edward Cullen is a knob.

See, I get the attractiveness of a bad boy. I get that because he’s all dangerous and mysterious, this makes him sexy. What makes him less sexy, however, is how he never stops going on about it.

“Oh Bella, I’m too dangerous for you to be around. You think you could outrun me? You think you could fight me off? I could kill you right now if I wanted to. Stay away from me.”

Also, they know each other for what, 3 months, and they’re soul mates? They have found the love of their life after 3 months? I can understand with Edward; he has some kind of vampire super-sense. Bella’s blood is what he wants. But with Bella? It just all seems a little shallow to me. Their relationship turns me off in the same way Buffy and Angel’s relationship seems vapid. It seems like kiddy romance to me, and yet it’s portrayed as eternal love.

I guess at the end of the day, it is a teen novel. And teen novels have to have satisfying endings, which means the heroine tames the bad boy. There would be more uproar about Bella ending up with Jacob than it would be worth to write this logical ending.

Thank god Rob Pattinson saved the character by making Edward sexy. Because if he didn’t have that, he wouldn’t have anything. He’d be a failed bad boy who murdered the girl he loved.

That would make a good book actually.