Wednesday, September 2

Music that grows

So recently I've been listening to a lot of music I wouldn't normally listen to. My iTunes mainly consists of single songs by artists, and I've been trying to fill in the gaps with albums. I'm giving Radiohead another chance and am actually really enjoying In Rainbows. Thom Yorke is a bit weird, not in a cute or interesting way, but in a truly disturbing way, which is putting me off a little. I feel I haven't really given Radiohead a proper chance, so that's what I'm doing now.

I've also rediscovered my love for Bloc Party. I've only just got round to acquiring Intimacy and it is absolutely fantastic. I listen to them most days, but I'm having a real kick at the moment. I love how they play around with rhythm and basically just experiment with music. I feel they're very underrated, and you have to give them a real listen to properly appreciate them.

I've also been listening to a lot of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and my next project is to familiarise myself with the entire No Doubt discography, which is a bit of a mission and a half! I can feel a lot of long walks with my iPod coming on. I much prefer listening to music than watching the TV, and I've been making a conscious effort to turn off the rubbish I've been watching, and am now limiting myself to Desperate Housewives, Doctor Who and that new Jamie Oliver one where he's in America. I just prefer listening rather than watching.

Okay, I have a driving lesson in half an hour which I'm fairly nervous about, so I should probably go and get ready for it. Later!

Currently listening to: Friday I'm In Love - The Cure