Friday, October 2

Starting third year.

So I've been back in Winchester nearly a week now, and I'm feeling a lot more positive about everything. But we'll get to that later, because I have more pressing issues to discuss.

Now, everyone has heard of drink driving. We know it's bad. We know that it's also bad to steer with one hand, and for your other hand to be doing something that requires concentration, like being on the phone, or smoking. Today, I witnessed a boy racer and all his mates in their little Peugeot 206, thinking they were the dog's bollocks. Driver Boy takes one hand off the steering wheel, obtains a can of Stella from his mate and drinks it. While driving. Humans make me really sad sometimes.

However, humans also make me really happy. Today I also witnessed a couple aged about 17/18 I'd say, walking a dog. Not only was it the cutest dog I've seen in a while (ball o fluff with a little cheeky face!), they were creating a soundtrack for it. As it walked. So everything this dog did: peeing on trees, sniffing a bit of rubbish, suddenly became an epic tale. It was utterly fantastic and really made me smile!

I will talk about my work another time, for now I am just going to go and do it.


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