Friday, September 25

Recounting Tuesday

So my last night at the Pav Tav was very eventful. I'm not going to go into the more personal things on here but I want to write down a lot of it :)

I had so much energy that night; even when we were all downstairs I was jumping around. It started off just Heather, Lisa, Amy and I, and we decided to go down to the beach to find Kris and Gandey. Just as we got to the beach, they had set off in another direction so we went back to the Pav Tav. Total wasted journey but the sea is so beautiful at night - that continuous swelling of inky black just holds so many mysteries and possibilities (as well as used condoms and tampons).

Back at the Pav Tav, I overheard a conversation in the toilets:
Girl 1: If your third finger is bigger than your middle finger then it means you're more likely to be gay, it's a genetical thing. It's my personal belief that it's a genetical thing.
Girl 2
: Yeah but it's my general belief that if you like people of the same sex you're gay.
Girl 1: Yeah but it's also a genetical thing.

I like having something to listen to while I'm peeing and they happily obliged. It did take all my self restraint to not just shout 'GENETICS! IT IS CALLED GENETICS NOT GENETICAL!' but I managed to restrain myself.

The freshers had just started to arrive in Brighton and I took full advantage of that. At one point when I was a little too drunk to stand up, I sat on the floor with a couple of friends and was soon joined by a girl who had just moved here from Belfast. I wasted no time in telling her that I could say without a doubt everyone in the vicinity fancied her, myself included, and we had a bit of a conversation about how everyone in Brighton was so much friendlier than where she was from. We then spotted a boy who looked a lot like Edward Cullen and fairly forced him to sit with us. Bless him, he looked so terrified but we wouldn't take no for an answer: we just continued to shout 'Edward! Over here! Edward!' and patting the ground beside us until he sat with us. I can't even remember what his real name was, but I had a little dance with him later.

Back in the club, I was surprised at how the effects of the one cup of wine I had drank lasted so long. I was about 3 hours into the night and still fairly drunk. It was packed, and then Pendulum came on. I have a feeling the majority of my injuries from that night resulted from the Pendulum - Prodigy - Chemical Brothers - Innerpartysystem schedule that followed. My brand new white shoes got totally ruined and my hair was tangled beyond belief (I had to cut a little knot out the next morning) but it was utterly fantastic. This, I thought to myself, was what clubbing in Brighton was about. I was dancing with people who wanted to dance, and we were all pressed together in a mass of bodies moving as one, but entirely separate.

Inevitably, my ankle collapsed under the strain of constant jumping like a lunatic for 15 minutes, and I spent the rest of the night outside, slowly sobering up and experiencing the drama that comes with a good night out. Luckily, I didn't end up in a fight or cry at any point, so all's well that ends well.

Awesome sendoff. Later!

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